Liisa's first PhD paper is out! Read her blog post to help us solve why the results are still puzzling.
Hihi translocation in progress
Liisa Hämäläinen begins her 1st field season
Liisa is now spending her time out in Madingley Woods, collecting data to compile a social network for the blue and great tits. Her first experiments will combine captive experiments with specific birds that she'll be removing (temporarily!) from the woods. It will be a busy few months, good luck Liisa!
Good luck for the field season on #Tiritirimatangi @VixFranks
Victoria is on her way to New Zealand for her second field season. She'll be based at Tiritiri Matangi Island until April 2016, and manipulating the ways that juveniles learn about their environment. If you're visiting New Zealand, make sure you include a trip to Tiritiri to visit Vix and our hihi!
Congratulations @VixFranks on a job well done!
Vix is now officially a PhD student after flying through her 1st year viva today.