ISBE Bingo is here!
SOPHIE LABAUDE & CHLOÉ LAUBU (Université de Bourgogne, FR)
Chloé & Sophie both completed an impressive 22 out of 25 challenges, including front row seats for all plenaries and selfies with Tim Clutton-Brock.
The Most Retweeted Tweet award went to Dieter Lukas (University of Cambridge) - 88 likes and 62 retweets!
In total, very happy to report that #ISBEbingo was tweeted 750 times during ISBE 2016!
It all started when...
Ben Jarrett attended Evolution 2016 in Austin, TX and joined in on Bree Rosenblum's graduate student bingo.
Over countless tea breaks back in Cambridge, we then discussed why we needed a version for ISBE (International Society for Behavioral Ecology).
When I was a PhD student at conferences, I never pushed myself to approach people, or ask questions, and assumed that the reason people didn't come rushing to talk to me was because I was a useless impostor with no hope for a scientific career... (but which, so far, hasn't stopped me from trying!)
Hopefully ISBE Bingo will not only provide a bit of light entertainment; it will help break the ice, and be the start of some new and productive friendships & collaborations.
#ISBEbingo #ISBE_Exeter
Rose Thorogood, Victoria Franks, Kiyoko Gotanda, Ben Jarrett