Papers by the group
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For papers published since 2020, visit our University of Helsinki portal page
Marianne Teichmann*, Rose Thorogood, and Liisa Hämäläinen. Seeing red? Colour biases of foraging birds are context dependent. Animal Cognition. Accepted (06/2020). (*internship) DOI
Caitlin E. Andrews, John G. Ewen, and Rose Thorogood. Enhancing dietary specialization metrics in observational studies of wild animal populations. Ecosphere. Accepted (06/2020).
Franks VR, Ewen JG, McCready M, Thorogood R. Analysing age structure, residency and relatedness uncovers social network structure in aggregations of young birds. Animal Behav. Accepted (04/2020).
Franks VR, Andrews CE, Ewen JG, McCready M, Parker KA, Thorogood R. Changes in social groups across a reintroduction and effects on post-release survival. Animal Conservation. Accepted (12/2019). DOI
Liisa Hämäläinen, Johanna Mappes, Hannah M. Rowland, Marianne Teichmann, and Rose Thorogood. Social learning within and across predator species facilitates the evolution of aposematic prey. J Anim Ecol 89, 1153-1164 (2020). DOI
Liisa Hämäläinen and Rose Thorogood. The signal detection problem of aposematic prey revisited: integrating prior social and personal experience. Philos Trans R Soc B 375, 20190473 (2020). DOI
Liisa Hämäläinen, Johanna Mappes, Rose Thorogood, Janne K Valkonen, Kaijamari Karttunen, Tuuli Salmi, and Hannah M. Rowland. Predators’ consumption of unpalatable prey does not vary as a function of bitter taste perception. Behav Ecol 31, 383-392 (2020). DOI
Liisa Hämäläinen, Johanna Mappes, Hannah M. Rowland, and Rose Thorogood. Social information use about novel aposematic prey is not influenced by a predator’s previous experience with toxins. Funct Ecol 33, 1982-1992 (2019). DOI
Liisa Hämäläinen, Hannah M. Rowland, Johanna Mappes, and Rose Thorogood. Are blue tits more likely to use social information from live demonstrators compared to video playback? PeerJ 7, e7998 (2019). DOI
Victoria R. Franks, Mhairi McCready, James L. Savage, and Rose Thorogood. Time spent with parents varies with early-life condition, but does not predict survival or sociality of juvenile hihi. Front Ecol Evol 7, 322 (2019). DOI
Hal Whitehead, Kevin N. Laland, Luke Rendell, Rose Thorogood, and Andrew Whiten. The reach of gene–culture coevolution in animals. Nature Communications 10, 2405 (2019). DOI
Rose Thorogood, Spottiswoode Claire N., Portugal Steven J. and Gloag Ros. The coevolutionary biology of brood parasitism: a call for integration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374, 20180190 (2019). DOI
Sheena C. Cotter, Daniel Pincheira-Donoso, and Rose Thorogood. Defences against brood parasites from a social immunity perspective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374, 20180207 (2019). DOI
Victoria R. Franks, Caitlin E. Andrews, John G. Ewen, Mhairi M. McCready, Kevin A. Parker, and Rose Thorogood. Changes in social groups across reintroductions and effects on post-release survival. bioRxiv 430280 (2018). DOI
Victoria R. Franks, John G. Ewen, Mhairi M. McCready, and Rose Thorogood. Copy parents or follow friends? Juvenile foraging behaviour changes with social environment. bioRxiv 429688 (2018). DOI
Rose Thorogood, Hanna Kokko, Johanna Mappes. Social transmission of avoidance among predators facilitates the spread of novel prey. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2, 254-261 (2018). PDF, Blog post, Science video, DOI
Victoria R. Franks and Rose Thorogood. Older and wiser? Age differences in foraging and learning by an endangered passerine. Behavioural Processes 148, 1-9 (2018). PDF, DOI
Liisa Hämäläinen, Hannah M. Rowland, Johanna Mappes, and Rose Thorogood. Can video playback provide social information for foraging blue tits? PeerJ. 5, e3062 (2017). PDF, Blog post, DOI
Rose Thorogood, Rebecca M. Kilner, and Justin L. Rasmussen. Grey Gerygone hosts are not egg rejecters, but Shining Bronze-Cuckoos lay cryptic eggs. The Auk 134, 340-349 (2017). PDF, Blog post, DOI
Kirsty J. MacLeod, Patricia Brekke, Wenfei Tong, John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood. Do mothers bias offspring sex ratios in carotenoid-rich environments? Behavioral Ecology 28, 131-137 (2017). PDF, Blog post, DOI
Kirsty J. MacLeod, Patricia Brekke, John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood. Minutes matter: brief hatching asynchrony adversely affects late-hatched hihi nestlings, but not life beyond the nest. Animal Behaviour 119, 111-118 (2016). PDF, Blog post, DOI
Rose Thorogood & Nicholas B. Davies. Combining personal with social information facilitates host defences and explains why cuckoos should be secretive. Scientific Reports 6, 19872 (2016). PDF, Blog post, DOI
Leila Walker, Rose Thorogood, Filiz Karadas, David Raubenheimer, Rebecca M. Kilner, John G. Ewen. Foraging for carotenoids: do colorful male hihi target carotenoid-rich foods in the wild? Behavioral Ecology 25, 1048–1057 (2014). PDF, DOI
Rose Thorogood & Nicholas B. Davies. Reed warbler hosts fine-tune their defenses to track three decades of cuckoo decline. Evolution 67, 3545–3555 (2013). PDF, DOI
Rose Thorogood & Nicholas B. Davies. Hawk mimicry and the evolution of polymorphic cuckoos. Chinese Birds 4, 39–50 (2013). PDF, DOI
Rose Thorogood, Doug P. Armstrong, Matthew Low, Patricia Brekke, John G. Ewen. The value of long-term ecological research: integrating knowledge for conservation of hihi on Tiritiri Matangi Island. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 37, 298–306 (2013). PDF
Rose Thorogood & Nicholas B. Davies. Cuckoos combat socially transmitted defenses of reed warbler hosts with a plumage polymorphism. Science 337, 578–580 (2012). PDF, DOI
Rose Thorogood, John G. Ewen, Rebecca M. Kilner. Sense and sensitivity: responsiveness to offspring signals varies with the parents’ potential to breed again. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278, 2638–2645 (2011). PDF
John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood, Doug P. Armstrong. Demographic consequences of adult sex ratio in a reintroduced hihi population. Journal of Animal Ecology 80, 448–455 (2011). PDF
Doug P. Armstrong, Isabel Castro, John K. Perrott, John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood. Impacts of pathogenic disease and native predators on threatened native species. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 34, 272–273 (2010). PDF
Rose Thorogood, Dianne H. Brunton, Isabel Castro. Simple techniques for sexing nestling Hihi (Notiomystis cincta) in the field. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 36, 115–121 (2009). PDF
John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood, Patricia Brekke, Phillip Cassey, Filiz Karadas, Doug P. Armstrong. Maternally invested carotenoids compensate costly ectoparasitism in the hihi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, 12798–12802 (2009). PDF
Rose Thorogood, Rebecca M. Kilner, Filiz Karadas, John G. Ewen, Spectral mouth colour of nestlings changes with carotenoid availability. Functional Ecology 22, 1044–1051 (2008). PDF
John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood, Filiz Karadas, Phillip Cassey. Condition dependence of nestling mouth colour and the effect of supplementing carotenoids on parental behaviour in the hihi (Notiomystis cincta). Oecologia 157, 361–368 (2008). PDF
Rose Thorogood, Tamara Henry, Simon Fordham. North Island kokako (Callaeas cinerea wilsoni) feed on flax (Phormium tenax) nectar on Tiritiri Matangi Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Notornis 54, 52–54 (2007). PDF
John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood, Carolyn Nicol, Doug P. Armstrong, Maurice Alley. Salmonella Typhimurium in Hihi, New Zealand. Emerging Infectious Diseases 13, 788–790 (2007). PDF
Rose Thorogood, John G. Ewen. Rare occurrence of embryonic twins in the Hihi (Stitchbird) Notiomystis cincta: an endangered passerine of New Zealand. Ibis 148, 828–829 (2006). PDF
John G. Ewen, Rose Thorogood, Filiz Karadas, Athanasios C. Pappas, Peter F. Surai. Influences of carotenoid supplementation on the integrated antioxidant system of a free living endangered passerine, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 143, 149–154 (2006). PDF
Kevin A. Parker, Barbara Hughes, Rose Thorogood, Richard Griffiths. Homing over 56 km by a North Island tomtit (Petroica macrocephala toitoi). Notornis 51, 238–239 (2004). PDF